How did I end up with an interest in photography. Like many people, I've owned and used camera(s) of the 'point & shoot' variety for years, but would never have considered it a hobby. I actually came seriously into photography through another hobby of mine, amateur astronomy. Like many people with an interest in that hobby, I wanted to try my hand at astrophotography. So I got myself an old second hand Pentax ME Super (still one of my favorite cameras ever) to start out with some simple wide-angle astrophotos. Well, I did shoot some astrophotos, and one or two weren't too bad. But what I soon found was that I just loved using that camera everyday. The feel of the camera in my hands, the crisp view through the lens, and that satisfying 'schwink' sound of the shutter. And over time I learned more technically about photography, and started more to consider the art of photography. Now, it is the satisfaction that comes with creating an image that keeps me coming back for more.